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Best high-paying part-time jobs for students in Canada

Students in Canada, unlike most other countries, allow their students to work for 20 hours per week. Working part-time, even for 20 hours, can be very useful for students as it can get them valuable work experience as well as enough funds to boost their financial situation. Students can decide to work on-campus or off-campus according to their preferences or job vacancies.

Here are the top 5 high-paying part-time jobs in Canada for students:

1) Content Editor: Having exceptionally-good skills in editing books, magazines, and websites, writing with accurate grammar and spellings can help you get a job as a content creator. Money is sometimes project-based for freelance editors and editors who are employed by a company get around $40-60 per hour.

2) Translator: International students hail from many different countries with different native tongues. If you’re very fluent in speaking and writing your native language as well as fluent in English, you can opt for a job as a translator, which can net you $14-55 CAD per hour depending on the job description.

3) Driver: Being a driver for any company providing online taxi services require you to have a car, a smartphone, and a good background. The pay can be expected to be between $15-30 CAD per hour, depending on how big the city is.

4) Social Media manager: In today’s world, everything is getting done online, that means if you are well versed with using social media, you can apply to become a social media manager for a company. The job description will include posting regular updates, advertisements, and company-related content on several social media platforms. This job can net you around $20-30 CAD per hour.

5) Waiter/Waitress: Being a worker at a restaurant or hotel can guarantee you about $20 CAD per hour, which includes the minimum wage plus tips. Work hours are also flexible in most cases.

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