Get to know how U.S. news decided the world’s top universities overall and by region and country.
The seventh version of annual U.S. News and World Report on Best Global Universities rankings were presented to show how universities are compared head-to-head. Students rely on the details which suggests the overall reputation and school’s academic research capabilities rather than their graduate and undergraduate programs to compare and select their most suitable institutions worldwide.
U.S. News have been exclusively ranking the U.S. universities for more than 30 years and it has been included in the Best Global Universities Rankings Report.
The in-depth report of Best Global Universities ranking contemplates around 1,500 top institutions from 86 countries which have increased by 5 more countries from the previous year’s list. Initially, a pool of 1,748 universities was selected to rank the top 1,500.
To reach a total of 1,748 schools, U.S. News initially added the top 250 universities from Clarivate’s global reputation survey, and they added those who had published a minimum of 1,250 papers from 2014-2018 (1,500 papers last year). After removing duplicates and institutions that are not schools, ranking pool of 1,748 was created.
To calculate the rankings of the selected institutions, 13 indicators and weights were chosen to assess the global research performance. The indicators included:

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