Visa Crunch

Canada’s 401,000 immigration target might be achievable as 2021 starts off with a huge draw

The Canadian government has invited 27,332 people to apply for permanent residency on Saturday. By the looks of things, the government is on track to receive 401,000 immigrants this year. The latest draw had the lowest CRS requirements ever (75 points) and took place on Saturday. Immigration applicants currently have only 90 days to apply for permanent residency so each passing day is very important for the applicants as well as the Canadian government.  

Ninety percent of the invited Canadian Experience Class (CEC) students were living in Canada during the epidemic. They are less likely than those overseas to deal with coronavirus-related immigration issues. The IRCC believes they can achieve their goal of the 401,000 Student Migration Program by 2021 by focusing on those currently seeking entry into Canada. The current draws make sense because a lot of research shows that those with Canadian experience are meeting very quickly in the labor market, which is especially important in the difficult economic times we are currently facing. The IRCC has invited 27,332 candidates in February, and hopes to process their applications for permanent residence by the end of the year to ensure that these job applicants complete their arrival and are included in the program. 

Canada aims to receive 108,500 immigrants through Express Entry this year. The goal of the economic class can be met by converting those in Canada now to permanent residents. The system of standards requires that approximately 60 percent of immigrants be admitted under the economic category. About 25 percent are in the family category, and about 15 percent in the refugee and social work category. Less than half of Canada’s refugee population each year is filled with asylum seekers abroad. It leaves an estimated 40,000 refugees living in Canada who may have a hard time accepting the country in the midst of the epidemic. The government may choose to re-use the refugee deficit to increase the number of newcomers to the economic and family class. 

Canada aims to receive 103,500 immigrants in the family category this year and 66,000 for refugee and social welfare. Ontario and British Columbia hold larger draws than usual. The IRCC will need to expedite the processing of non-Express entry files obtained from current payers in Canada if there is to be a real chance to achieve this year’s standards. One of the different steps Canada can take would be to create new economic sectors for those with experience in Canadian employment.  

These approaches will have a unique selection process that aligns with existing state and provincial programs and will empower existing Canadians, such as asylum seekers, to convert to permanent residence. These approaches are designed to suit those with work experience and will be based on the needs of those who are already in the country and want to apply for permanent residence and receive it by 2021. 

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