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Top 15 jobs in Quebec that are in demand due to COVID-19

A government analysis published by Canada outlines the jobs lost in Quebec as a result of the outbreak. Many employments were lost as a result of Quebec’s public health initiatives to stop the virus from spreading. Retail salespeople, cooks, and administrative assistants are examples of such jobs. As a result of these actions, some workers may have lost their employment or had their hours decreased. Other occupations, on the other hand, showed a rise in demand. These are 15 examples of such employment.

  • Information systems analysts and consultants

Since most of the activities can be carried out remotely or while keeping social distance, their occupation was unaffected by the pandemic. The pandemic has actually raised the demand for information systems analysts and consultants, particularly as companies move toward working from home and automating their operations. Analysts and consultants in information systems examine and test system requirements, design and implement strategies, policies, and processes, and offer advice on information systems. For the period of March to October, average employment in this occupation climbed by 30.9 percent between 2019 and 2020.

  • Delivery and courier service drivers

Drivers for delivery and courier services are in charge of picking up and delivering products in a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, vans, and light trucks. Messengers, food services, and retail commerce are examples of businesses that employ them. They can also work for themselves. Pandemic-related health and safety measures include restaurants and other retail closures, as well as enhanced delivery services provided by these businesses. Furthermore, as a result of the epidemic, the usage of e-commerce has expanded dramatically. This resulted in a 62.4 percent rise in employment in this occupation between March and October of 2019 and 2020.

  • Store shelf stockers, clerks, and order fillers

Purchases are packed, things are priced, shelves are stocked, and mail and telephone orders are filled by these specialists. Food and beverage businesses, as well as health and personal care stores, are common places to work. For the period of March to October, employment in this occupation climbed by 19.6 percent between 2019 and 2020. This is due in large part to the public health measures put in place to slow the virus’s spread. As a result of these steps, the number of order preparation services has increased, as has the use of e-commerce.

  • Supervisors, supply chain, tracking, and scheduling co-ordination occupations

The rapid increase in demand for medical products raised demand on supply systems. Many manufacturers are also experiencing problems. As a result, these specialists were critical in addressing these difficulties. For the months of March to October in 2019, employment in this occupation increased by 48.7% compared to the same period in 2020.

  • Secondary school teachers

Due to school closures in spring 2020 as a result of the epidemic, many Quebec schools have shifted to online learning. As a result, more employees, including teachers, were hired. For the period of March to October, average employment for this occupation climbed by 27.2 percent between 2019 and 2020.

  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers

The majority of these specialists can work from home. In addition, demand has risen as a result of the digital revolution of many other industries, which has resulted in a shift to telework.

  • Human resources professionals

These specialists have been involved in business continuity plans, rearranging jobs for remote work, managing stress and anxiety in the workplace, and ensuring that employees are following health and safety procedures since the outbreak began. Between 2019 and 2020, average employment climbed by 25.5 percent.

  • User support technicians

These specialists are able to work from anywhere in the world. As many industries transition to digital transformation, there has been a rise in the need for user support technicians.

  • Financial auditors and accountants

These are involved in assessing the pandemic’s financial impact, such as asset appraisal, debt restructuring, and lease modification, as well as government support measures. For the period of March to October, average employment for auditors and accountants in Quebec increased by 18.4 percent between 2019 and 2020.

  • Financial managers

Financial managers, such as auditors, and accountants, have been involved in estimating the financial impact of the pandemic on enterprises. As a result, the occupation’s demand grew.

  • Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades

Since they were involved in installing air conditioners in hospitals, nursing, and care facilities, demand rose during the pandemic. For the period of March to October, average employment for contractors and supervisors in mechanic crafts climbed by 47.9% between 2019 and 2020.

  • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants

Long-distance learning necessitated the hiring of additional staff to assist teachers and students. As a result, average employment for post-secondary teaching and research assistants climbed by 37.9% between March and October 2019 and 2020.

  • Medical administrative assistants

The increasing need for workers in the healthcare industry following the start of the COVID-19 epidemic boosted demand for this vocation. Following that, between March and October of 2019, the average employment of medical administrative assistants climbed by 16.7%.

  • Accounting and related clerks

These professionals have become more in demand as they examine the financial implications of the pandemic on enterprises, encompassing asset value, debt management, lease modification, and government assistance.

  • Pharmacists

Pharmacists are typically employed in pharmacies and hospitals. Many people have turned to pharmacists for consultations, medical opinions, medication modifications, and prescription extensions as a result of the epidemic, especially if they were unable to visit a doctor. As a result, average employment in this occupation climbed by 59.5 percent between March and October of 2019 and 2020.

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