Immigrate Good news for 2022 H-1B applicants – Visa registration starts on March 9th February 10, 2021
ImmigrateWork H-4 visa beneficiaries get a ray of hope as the US court tries to finalize H1 norms February 10, 2021
ImmigrateWork H-1B Update – IT firms catch a breather as the government decides to postpone their decision on the average wage for applicants February 10, 2021
ImmigrateWork H-1B lotteries under scrutiny after Republican senator Tom Cotton contradicts Biden’s decision February 10, 2021
ImmigrateStudyWork USCIS finally revokes a memo that denied H-1B visas for computer-related careers February 9, 2021
Work Tensed H-1B holders and Indian students heave a sigh of relief as Biden Administration provides aid February 4, 2021
ImmigrateWork Massive relief for H-1B employees’ families, Biden dismisses Trump intends to terminate H4 work permits January 27, 2021
ImmigrateWork The administration of Biden starts to repair the damage of Trump on H-1B and immigration January 27, 2021