Visa Crunch

Canada’s air travel restrictions to be in place from February 22nd

Air travelers to Canada will be held in solitary confinement at their designated hotels from February 22 as they await the results of their coronavirus tests, said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 

Earlier, Trudeau announced that Canada would impose strict restrictions on non-essential pilots in response to the new and potentially highly contagious variants of the Coronavirus.  

Government officials have confirmed that unimportant travelers will be required to stay for three nights at a government-approved hotel at their own expense before traveling to Canada. 

Those who cross the U.S. border through other means will not have to isolate themselves in hotels but will have to show a negative test result, three days before their arrival and be tested on arrival and at the end of the 14-day separation at home or elsewhere. 

Health Minister Patty Hajdu said Canadians who had been vaccinated would not be released because it was not clear whether those who had been vaccinated could transmit the virus. 

Trudeau said it could take up to three days for the test results to be available and had previously said the cost of hotel stays for passengers could be up to USD 2,000 Canadian (US $ 1,576.). The high cost of hotel accommodation includes the cost of security, food and the means that hotels will need to take to keep their staff safe. 

Travelers could isolate themselves at home or elsewhere if the test failed. Canada already needs those entering the country to separate for 14 days and block any unimportant trips to the country. 

The Canadian Snowbird Association said the cost of accommodation at the hotel is causing financial hardship for many and travelers who check for negative should be able to separate people from their homes. 

Some travelers go back before the hotel stay is forced.  

Chief Health Officer Theresa Tam said on Friday that there had been more than 429 cases of various types of strains found for the first time in the UK, with 28 different cases being first identified in South Africa in eight provinces. To date, only one report of the new strain has been found for the first time in Brazil. 

While Canada has contracted more vaccines than it needs to cover its population, they have been delayed, much to the dismay of many who see rapid evacuation in neighboring America. Canadian authorities say Trudeau spoke with US President Joe Biden about the possibility of obtaining. Pfizer drugs from a plant near Michigan, the first of which was already given $ 100 million by the US government. 

“I think the president has been very clear in public and in private when the debate comes that he is now focused on ensuring that Americans are vaccinated,” White House News Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement on Canada on Friday. 

Canada, which does not have a domestic product, has always had a vaccination agreement from Europe and elsewhere. 

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