Visa Crunch

International Migration To The US Decreases In 2021 By 50% Due To COVID-19 Pandemic

The United States had its greatest decrease in international migration in a decade in 2021, according to analysts, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

According to data from a U.S. Census Bureau report released at the end of the year, an estimated 245,000 persons from outside the country will migrate into the United States in 2021, an almost 50% decline from last year.

Florida, Texas, New York, California, and Massachusetts have historically attracted the greatest number of overseas immigrants in the country each year. However, these states were not immune to the decline. Except for New York, all of these states saw net international migration drops of 50% or more between 2020 and 2021.

The drop in New York was 48%. From 2020 to 2021, every state in the United States had a fall in international migration, with the nation as a whole experiencing a 48.7 per cent decrease. Nevada and Arizona experienced the greatest drop in net international migration, with each experiencing a 52 per cent fall. Wyoming and Idaho saw the lowest declines, at 33% and 39%, respectively.

According to the census report, the pandemic played a significant influence in changing U.S. net foreign migration patterns, as countries instituted travel restrictions to minimize the spread of the virus.

According to USAFacts, international immigrants come to the United States mostly for employment, family, or educational reasons. The year 2021 saw significant decreases in the number of persons entering the country through work and immigration visas, the refugee and asylum status process, and student visas.

Although Trump’s tough immigration regulations made it more difficult for some people to enter the nation, experts say the coronavirus outbreak had a far greater influence on immigration to the United States than the previous administration’s constraints.

Since assuming office, the Biden administration has faced opposition to lifting some of these limits while defending other Trump-era initiatives. In fact, the United States welcomed 11,445 refugees in the fiscal year 2021, a record low.

The United States is not the only country that has seen a decrease in foreign migration as a result of the pandemic. In reality, practically all of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 38 member nations had the lowest migration since 2003 in 2020.

According to the Global Migration Data Portal, total migration trends in these nations decreased by 30%. Mexico was the only OECD country to experience a 40% rise in permanent migration.

Legal Disclaimer: This article is provided for information purposes only.

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