Applications for the scholarship are open for students applying in the July intake this year. Interested students can apply at the official website – Deakin University, Australia...
Boosting India-Australia links through global economic and educational cooperation could be the key to universities in Australia regaining ground in the global higher education competition. Both countries officially...
One of the benefits for young people moving to Canada is access to funded health care, which has a reputation for being world-class. Health care is provided in all provinces and territories of Canada. In Ontario, it is...
According to a spokesperson of University of Manitoba, the process of vaccination will take place irrespective of the residency status of individuals. It is put forth that international and domestic students will be...
Canada had been encountering a lack of attendants before the Covid pandemic. Medical caretakers can be categorized as one of two classifications in the Canadian government’s National Occupation Classification...
In the Arima expression of interest pool, Quebec has implemented a new scoring system to rate the profiles of immigration prospects. There are a total of 1,320 points available, with 580 points for human capital...
Democrats are finding it more difficult to pass much-needed immigration reforms through a reconciliation (budget-spending) package. Last night, the US Senate, in a guidance note, shot down Plan B, which would have...
Many companies across the United States are struggling to locate qualified workers. One simple immediate answer is to hire more foreign labour. To fill job gaps across the country, the US needs around 10 million people...
The country recently stated that beginning November 8, it will start accepting foreign nationals travelling to the country for business visits, study abroad, or technical training. According to The Japan Times, for the...
This year, a record number of Hong Kong residents have decided to study in Canada, and many appear to be taking advantage of new avenues to permanent residency in the country. In the year 2021, education and emigration...